I Always Drop Things Down the Toilet

Sat, Feb 19 § 4 Comments

I don’t think of myself as a clumsy person so it’s pretty surprising when I always find myself accidentally dropping little hair products down the toilet bowl. I would be fixing my hair in front of the mirror, which is above the sink, which is next to the toilet, which I’m not facing at all so I have no idea how the next thing happens, when suddenly, something flies and plops right into the toilet. It’s quite frustrating, because I drop only the things I use the most. Also, I hate having to get it out. I’d very much rather flush the item down, but having a clogged toilet is worse. Darn.

I’ve lost my beloved brown hair tie, a few black bobby pins, my only red hair clip, and a black comb, all which I had to pick out using a pair of chopsticks. (Just hold a bag in one hand, skillfully pick the item with the chopsticks with your other hand, then swiftly put the item in the bag and toss it in the trash. Make sure you throw away the chopsticks too — you don’t want to mix up the been-in-the-toilet-chopsticks with eating chopsticks!)

Today, I was using my gray comb (which is the black comb’s replacement) when I suddenly came upon a knot in my hair. I lost my grip on the comb and it almost flew into the toilet. I was so shocked, I felt like I had a mini heart attack, and I would be completely annoyed if I had to pick something out the toilet bowl again. But good thing the comb was still hanging onto my hair. Phew.

That was the only time I was glad my hair’s so nappy.

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§ 4 Responses to I Always Drop Things Down the Toilet

  • laavventura says:

    Ha! Im not the only one that drops things down the toilet! However for me it’s not hair products. It’s usally the ties from my bikini top or the ties from my kitchen apron etc … haha. Cute post. Happy Monday.

  • Jammy says:

    This ME I drop at least 1 thing down the toilet a week, does the same it like flips thru the air or slides along the sink and ALWAYS into the toilet never on the floor!!

Whaddya think?

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